Sunday, March 22, 2015

35 Week Appointment

I had an ultrasound scheduled for 2:15 on Monday, March 16. I got in pretty quickly and the tech started measuring things right away. Not much to really say about this point other than it felt like it took a long time. The tech didn't say too much, but commented that the placenta looked nice and healthy and baby's head was pretty low. She tried (for the third time!) to get a facial or profile photo, but she had a pretty rough time. We did get a modified photo, which is much better than nothing. I left my sample and then came back in, because she thought emptying my bladder may help. It actually made things worse, but oh well.

Then I went out in the waiting room to wait for my appointment with Dr. Emm. For some reason they were really backed up and the exam rooms were all full. I waited for a while, which I've never had to do. It wasn't a big deal as I didn't have anywhere else I needed to be. Jessica did call me in to get weighed (up 22 lb), take my BP (104/60), and ask about symptoms (only BH, back pain), but I did have to go back to the waiting room to wait again.

I got called back and Dr. Emm came in a few minutes later. She got my ultrasound results and said that baby weighed just shy of 5 lb, which is 17%. She said all limbs were proportional, so she thought all looked good. Since I'm a small person, I'm going to have a baby on the small side - it's only logical. She stressed that she had no concerns.

Then she measured baby's heartbeat with the Doppler (150 bpm) and my belly. She said I'd grown 2 cm that week, which is good. Next week I will meet with Dr. Dudley because Dr. Emm will be out of town (which means I cannot go into labor, not that I think that will happen). I will be swabbed for Strep B so hopefully that cooperates.

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