Monday, March 30, 2015

37 Week Appointment

I know these are repetitive.. sorry.

I arrived a few minutes early and left my sample. Jessica called me back quickly. Weight up 25 lb. I don't believe she told me my blood pressure because we were making small talk. She asked the usual symptom questions. The only things to note were that I'm still having Braxton Hicks, but have added some mild cramping. No swelling, headaches, bleeding, etc.

She took me to an exam room and said Dr. Emm would check my cervix for dilation today - bummer! I was hoping to just skip that part a while longer. Dr. Emm came in about one minute later and asked the usual questions, but there isn't much new to report. She did not tell me my belly measurement, but baby's heartbeat was 140. She then tried to check my cervix, but it's so tilted and baby's head is already in the way that she couldn't quite reach it. Ouch. Ignorance is bliss for now, I guess! I would be very surprised if I was dilated at all at this point anyway. She's told me before that a tilted cervix shouldn't affect delivery at all and there is nothing I can really do to push it forward. She's so laid back that I'm trying to feed off her vibe.

I asked her if I needed to call anyone before going to the hospital during labor and she said nope. She said to wait till I have contractions 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute for a few hours before coming to the hospital, unless my water has broken. I asked if we had to do weekly cervical checks from now on and she said not unless I wanted to, since they won't really affect anything anyway.

Another week down, I guess. Shit's getting real.

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