Wednesday, March 11, 2015

34 Week Appointment

Sick of these yet? Me too.

My appointment was made for Monday, March 9 at 11:15 am. I got there a minute or two early and left my sample. Jessica called me back shortly after. My weight is up 21 lb total. Blood pressure is the same at 100/64. Then she took me to an exam room.

I waited a bit before Dr. Emm came. She asked how things were going (well) and asked the usual questions: Braxton-Hicks? Yes. Heartburn? No.. and so on. The only thing to note really is that the middle of my back hurts. Then she got out the Doppler and baby's heartbeat measured 145 bpm - still slowly creeping down. She measured my belly next. I'm measuring a little small, so she wants me back in a week for a growth ultrasound to make sure I'm not restricting the baby.

Dr. asked if I had other questions and I asked when we needed to go over birth plans. She said she typically gets into the details around 36 weeks, but reviewed her personal philosophy. She stated she is more of a "naturalist" and does as little intervention as possible (hallelujah!). She does skin-to-skin on everyone immediately, delays cord clamping, and doesn't do episiotomies. Proof positive that I chose the best doctor match. I didn't even go into any of my own wishes, because they all matched her typical protocol.

I go back on Monday for the ultrasound and follow up appointment. I'll admit I don't like the concern for growth, but it will be nice to get another view of her before delivery since we haven't gotten any really good looks so far. I hope she cooperates. We are starting weekly appointments now, so I guess we're nearing the end.

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