Written Sunday, November 2, 2014: 16 weeks, 1 day
I don’t feel pregnant at all. There is pretty much nothing
going on that is different than my non-pregnant self. I’m not particularly
moody. I don’t think I have any specific food cravings, although sometimes certain
foods sound good (don’t people have that anyway?). From weeks 12-14 I had a few tension-type
headaches, but they were fairly mild and I’m not even sure they were pregnancy
related. I’ve had sporadic round ligament pain since week 9, but it’s usually
fleeting and bearable.
One thing I have noticed is that I’ve had more acne than
normal. At first I thought it was just a phase, but it continued for a few
months, so I definitely think it’s somehow linked to the progesterone. Things
seem to be clearing up a little, though (maybe wishful thinking?). Luckily it’s
not awful, but it’s definitely been more than my norm.
At 13 weeks I started to notice a more pronounced “bump.” I
say the word bump lightly because it’s more that my stomach is rounded out like
a normal person’s. I still notice that
it gradually increases as the day goes on and is most pronounced after dinnertime. My boobs are perhaps a bit fuller, but
barely. Still no weight gain. I’m still not sure if I’ve felt any kicks. I feel
more happenings around there, but I’m pretty sure it’s all just bubbles. My
doctor said I probably wouldn’t feel anything until 18-20 weeks.
Note: Above picture was actually taken at 18 weeks because I'm lazy |
I mentioned in my last post that I had a car accident.
Basically I was turning off a major road and the car behind me rammed into me
at full speed, with no obvious regard for my turning signal. I was okay and
able to call Andy right away. He met me at the scene before the ambulance even
came, at about 2:30pm. I told the EMT woman right away that I was 14 weeks
pregnant and asked if my baby would be okay. She immediately assured me that
the baby is so cushioned that he/she was probably just fine. Thankfully Andy
was there to ride with me to the hospital. Obviously they needed to check the
baby and also wanted to make sure my other body parts (back/neck) were okay.
For someone who was pretty darn calm right after this
happened, being put in a neck brace and on a stretcher was horrifying and
embarrassing. I did start to cry because I was terrified about losing the baby
and in shock that this happened to me.
Thankfully the EMT people were pretty stellar.
Upon arriving to the ER, I was put in a room and got a quick
check. I remember two ladies in the room doing things and also Dr. Rust. He
poked around my back (all the while I’m restrained in a neck brace and told not
to move), and everything seemed to be fine. Right away a nurse checked the
baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler. She found it pretty quickly. When I asked what
it was she said some weird statistic that was not in beats per minute so I have
no idea what that meant. Shortly after, the ultrasound tech wheeled me to her
room. She right away said she found a heartbeat, but I couldn’t see the screen
because I was lying flat. She mentioned that he/she was really moving and
commented how my bladder was really full. I couldn’t pee because I was still
strapped to a bed! She pretty much gave no hints, but said things seemed okay
but the doctor would give the final okay. Andy was in the room with me, so he
could see the little guy/gal and said he saw a number on the screen say 163 – I
assume this was a heartbeat considering at the doctor that afternoon it had
been 160.
I went back to my ER room and was shortly taken for X-Rays. Because
of the pregnancy, they didn’t take any of my lower back, but covered my belly
and did a few of my clavicle/neck/shoulder area. They kept commenting how easy
it was because I was thin. After going
back to my room, Dr. Rust came in and said the X-Rays looked good so I could
ditch the neck brace. The ultrasound tech came back and said that the doctor
wanted her to do an internal ultrasound to make sure that my cervix wasn’t
dilating or shortening. She mentioned that things might’ve looked different
because my bladder had been so full. Finally I got to pee. At this point, Andy
was making phone calls and answering questions for me to the nurses, so I was
in there by myself. I mentioned that I have the world’s most tilted uterus to
the tech and she said if she would’ve known we probably wouldn’t have had to do
the internal. Those things are so darn uncomfortable for me. At this point it
was probably 4:45pm.
So far, things had been moving at a good pace and we hadn’t
had to wait at all. But we waited for over an hour for the last ultrasound
results. Talk about terrifying. I guess they had a busy day and were just
behind reading things. During this time,
a nurse came in to confirm a few things, but was pretty quick. Dr. Rust finally
came in at about 6:00 and said that the baby looked good, there was no blood
around him/her, and that we could leave.
My parents picked us up since we didn’t have a vehicle
there. We drove through DQ to get me some dinner and went to our house. We
hadn’t spread the news about the baby, but it didn’t feel right knowing the
people at the hospital knew when our families didn’t. My mom pretty much
already knew. When I called my sisters both of them knew too. (I told Andy this
was going to happen – ESP or something). He went over to his parents to tell
them the news.
For the next few days, I was even more terrified than I had
been at the hospital. Maybe this is dramatic, but I’m an expect-the-worst type of
person and that was my coping mechanism. My OB office said that since I got
checked at the hospital that there was no need for me to schedule an earlier
appointment, so I have to wait a whole 4 weeks to get some reassurance. I don’t think I will take a normal breath and
until after November 18 – heck, I will be this worried about the kid forever.
My neck was really sore for a few days, but improved pretty
quickly. I’m not in any pain, but my back/neck feels like it needs a good
adjusting. At my next appointment I’m hoping to get an OK to see a chiro. I
hope this is my one-and-done on the car accident front…
Two more weeks until we know if the kid is on track! And we
find out the gender… holy cow…
13 weeks 18 weeks