Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Third Appointment: 14 weeks, 3 days

Written Friday, October 31, 2014: 15 weeks, 6 days
I’m writing this a week and a half after it happened so I’m sure I’m missing details. Oh well. My third appointment was scheduled on Tuesday, October 21 at 14 weeks, 3 days. It had been a busy day running around doing errands, but I made it with plenty of time to spare for my 1:10 pm appointment.

First I gave the front desk lady (Elizabeth?) my bill and told her I had gathered all of my insurance information for the billing lady.  Then I went to leave my sample and went back to the waiting room.

I was called back on time and did the usual weight/blood pressure thing and both were exactly the same as the last appointment. I was hoping I had gained at least a pound at this point but I guess not. Blood pressure was still holding at about 100/60. Nobody wears nametags or says their names so I’ve stopped even trying to document that.

I went into a new exam room (seriously they are all so different!) and waited just a few short minutes for Dr. Emm. She asked the usual questions about how I’m feeling and got the Doppler ready. She found the baby’s heartbeat pretty quickly. It was 160 – still similar to other appointments, but slowly creeping down it seems. There was a mix-up with the blood draw that I left at my previous appointment. For some reason it had not been uploaded to the computer, so she asked around for some clarification. I was just curious what my A1c turned out to be, but she was really not worried about me getting gestational diabetes. She gave me the usual spiel and I was ready to schedule my next appointment.

I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to wait till exactly 20 weeks to do the big ultrasound, because I wanted it done before Thanksgiving. My 4 week follow-up fell on Nov. 18 when I’m 18 weeks, 3 days, so they said it was no problem to do it then. She gave me the directions for ultrasound prep and I asked to see the billing lady. She was gone or busy at the time, so they told me to do it at my next appointment. Looking back, the stars were really aligning against me already…

I called Andy on my way out and gave him the update. He asked if I was doing any shopping while in Bloomington, but I was really ready to get home and get things done there. So, I started my trek home and proceeded to get rear-ended and have my car totaled. What a fun 10 days it has been!

Since I turn 16 weeks tomorrow I’ll give you that whole saga in my post then…

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