Saturday, November 22, 2014

The First Update

Written Friday, August 15, 2014: 5 weeks

I swear I’m really not planning to write weekly, but figured I’d just note things as they happen.

I called my doc first thing Monday morning to see what the next steps were. They didn’t really believe that I was only 4 weeks along, so they ordered a blood test. I went to St. Joe’s over my lunch break and everything was pretty easy. The tech was very friendly and really good – I hardly felt a thing. I got results later that afternoon that pregnancy was confirmed (about 4 weeks as I suspected) and they wanted to re-test for progesterone.

On Tuesday, I got another call with those results and they said my progesterone was a bit low (17.9 when they wanted at least 18 – so close!). They prescribed a supplement to kick that, but I was still supposed to get another blood draw on Wednesday to confirm everything was heading in the right direction.

So, first thing Wednesday I went to St. Joe’s again. This was an even quicker experience, but had a bit more sting.  I was thankful I didn’t see anyone I knew either day – that would not have happened in Pontiac (current: I have since found out that was not the case). I picked up my prescription at Walgreens before heading to work. 

That afternoon the office called and said my HCG levels had more than doubled from 800 on Monday to more than 2000 on Wednesday, which was a good sign. Prog went down to 17.4, but she wasn’t concerned because we were already set to start my prescription – 1 pill morning and night until I hit the 12-week mark. We set my first in-office appointment for Friday, September 19 at 2:15 (I’ll be 10 weeks exactly). Ironically, this is my sister Allyson’s due date. I am hoping that harvest has not started because if so, there is no way Andy will be able to get away from the tractor without raising major red flags, and I definitely don’t want that to happen. I am mentally preparing myself for the fact that he probably won’t be able to make it, but trying not to dwell. It is what it is.

It’s only been a couple of days, so my symptoms are the same.  My appetite isn’t as great, but that’s because I’m trying to force myself to eat more and that just always backfires. There was one morning where I felt particularly queasy, but it was nothing I could even complain about. 

Baby is the size of an orange seed! Stay tuned...

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