Saturday, November 22, 2014

This Is Happening...

Written Sunday, August 10, 2014: 4 weeks, 2 days

Well, I guess if I’m posting this it means it’s really happening. We’re going to be parents.

On our second month of “trying,” I was pretty sure this wasn’t the month. But I have always charted my temps, so when all signs pointed to PG, I took a test on a whim yesterday.  I grabbed the test while it was loading to head to the living room where Andy was. I went to set it out and saw the word “Pregnant.” Stopped dead in my tracks. We both just kind of looked at each other and I said “I guess we’re doing this!” And then we went about our day…

I have to say, as soon as we pulled the trigger on our baby plans, I heard about a million stories of people I know not being able to conceive. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but there were some pretty frightening cases (like couples who have been trying for 2-3 years).  That definitely terrified me into putting all hands on deck for this operation; because Lord knows when I make up my mind I follow through.

Depending on whom you ask, some friends or family may say they expected us to start a family immediately after the wedding. We have definitely heard our fair share of comments (and nagging). I have been pretty anti-into sharing details about our personal plans, so much so that those who know how much it annoys me assumed that meant that kids weren’t in our plans anytime soon. But that’s not really the issue. Whether we were planning to have a baby in a week, a year, or ten years, I don’t think it’s anyone’s business… (seriously, Taryn, you should have smacked me years ago for being annoying). 

Moving on.

Due Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015

Baby is the size of a poppy seed!

I feel pretty much the same, except for cramps are pretty consistent. Nothing I can’t handle. There have been a few moments I’ve felt on the border of queasy, but I haven’t tossed my cookies or anything.  I know it will only get worse.

I am of course looking forward to hearing the heartbeat and actually getting a view of the Nug. And of course finding out if we are having a boy or girl. (Andy thinks we are going to have all boys, I envision us starting off with a girl – who knows). I’ve had nursery items selected for like a year (thanks, Pinterest secret boards!), so I’m looking forward to buying all of the things!

As far as worries, I am quite calm and collected about the actual parenting part, probably because I feel like we are pretending and that the positive test was just a joke. I’m mostly concerned with having a healthy pregnancy. I’ve never in my life been a big eater, so it will take a lot of effort on my part to eat enough and gain the right amount of weight. I also woke up about 8 times last night and felt awkward while stretching in fear I would hurt the little dude. I’m sure I’ll get over the fear of moving.

We are planning to keep this little nugget to ourselves for as long as possible (our goal is to find out the sex before spilling the beans – think we can do it?). Although there are a handful of people that I would want to tell, I really don’t think it will be that hard.  I very rarely drink alcohol and luckily, the weather will get cooler the more I start to show, so I’m planning to hide this sucker with sweaters and hoodies like an unwed mother in the 50s if it really comes to that. I think the sooner we spread the word, the longer the pregnancy will feel. And we are just not interested in the comments and unsolicited advice that is inevitable with expectant parents.  

Anywho, we are pretty stoked for this chapter of our lives (even if it hasn’t really sunk in). Four weeks down, 36 to go…

Current: As of today, I am exactly 19 weeks along. Bear with me as I have a lot of previously written posts to publish! I am trying my hardest not to back-edit...

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