Tuesday, December 30, 2014

20-24 Weeks

Time is slowing down a lot. I feel like I am barely progressing, but I also can't believe I'm already 6 months pregnant. The past month has made things a bit more real though, now that my pregnancy is out in the open (made FB official Dec 2 after our 20 week ultrasound).

I'm feeling about the same. No interesting symptoms that I can think of other than back pain. Shortly after I started feeling baby kicks, I started to see and feel them from the outside. It's cool to look down and see my belly move. Now I'm starting to feel movement at all angles of my belly too, before they were mostly in the same spots. Appetite seems to be ramping up, too. Sleep seems to be more consistent. I only wake some nights instead of every night. I still have pregnancy brain. That may be made worse just because we've had a busy schedule lately, especially with the holidays. I'm looking forward to having some free time to chill out, catch up on housework, and actually cook. I'm not sure if it's nesting, or the new year, or just coincidence, but I'm much more motivated to do things.

I made our registries online a long time ago when I was home from my car accident. It should surprise no one that I check and fiddle with them daily. Our first official baby purchase of a video monitor was made last month (we had a bunch of points on our credit card to cash out and that was pretty much the only thing we needed. Yay for "free" stuff). Shortly after finding out the gender I started slowly ordering nursery items. I got cold feet on a few things and already made an exchange on something, but I'm liking how things are coming together finally. We have a crib assembled and crib sheets/curtains on standby. We haven't ordered new furniture for our master bedroom yet, but as soon as we get that settled our current furniture will move into the baby's room and we can start putting it all together. I'm starting to get anxious and antsy to get things settled in there - I just want to put everything in place already. I might as well buy stock in Pottery Barn before all is said and done.

My last day at work was on Monday Dec 22. It still hasn't sunk in, but I'm really happy. I had a few coworkers get me baby gifts, so we have our first baby blanket, set of onesies, and rattles. Christmas followed and we got some more gear. Our stroller and matching car seat attachment are ready to go and we have a wrap and little baby Bumbo-type seat, as well. We even got our first kids book, too. It's nice to have baby stuff around!

The holidays went pretty smoothly. I generally am not a fan of people being up in my business, but no one asked uncomfortable questions or was too nosy. I will comment at how surprised I am with people's reactions when I tell them we are keeping the gender a secret for now. I could probably dedicate an entire post to just this. A lot of people say "but how will people know what to buy you?" Like the only baby items one could possibly purchase for someone are blue or pink. It's like the concept of gender neutral necessities is foreign. I am smart enough to know that I will probably not have all kids of the same gender (I would never buy all pink/blue crap even if I did know we would have all boys/girls). Why would I buy a gender specific car seat, etc? That would be dumb. Do people not know that I am nothing if not practical?

Other than those comments, I'm also surprised at how much not knowing tortures people. I guess I have been on the other side of the fence before, but I don't consider myself to be that interesting. I don't think anyone is really losing sleep over not knowing if we will have a son or daughter. People have been having babies for centuries and only recently having the option to know the gender, I think we all will survive waiting a few extra months. I will admit it is kind of fun to have so much power, though sometimes people just need to calm down.

        20 weeks                                                        24 weeks

We are headed to Disney in just a few days and I'm thinking it's about the perfect time to be going on vacation. I'm feeling well and ready to get away for a bit. When we come back I have my next appointment - glucose testing and another ultrasound. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Year's Reflection and 2015 Goals

It's been a good year, I suppose.

The Top 5 Highlights:
1. Making a baby!
2. Trips to Hawaii, Lake Geneva, and Nashville
3. Lots of great family time, new additions, health, and happiness
4. Car accident (wah, wah)
5. Starting the stay-at-home journey (sort of)

Lessons Learned:
1. Never underestimate the value of a really good insurance policy. Seriously.
2. Pay a little more for the good detergents
3. Things don't have to be 100% clean or perfect all of the time
4. Be financially responsible without being a total neurotic tightwad (still working on this balance)
5. Don't sweat the small stuff (I will probably never be able to fully grasp this, but I'm improving)

To Do In 2015:
1. Have a happy, healthy baby and soak in every moment (obvs)
2. Finish decorating the nursery
3. Buy new office desk/get that room in shape
4. More efficient pantry organization
5. New ottoman and accents in living room

Here's to a blissful 2015! It's shaping up to be the best one yet.

22 Week Appointment

Monday, December 15, 2014

My appointment was set for 9:05, and I checked in just before 9. A few quick minutes later I was taken back. BP same about 104/60. Weight up 5 lb total. I went to an exam room and Dr. Emm came in within a minute or two (I appreciate efficiency). Per usual, she asked how things were going. I said I feel pretty normal. The only thing to note is that my boobs have already started leaking (yippie). I told her about going to Disney and that I know which rides are safe, to take it easy, and to drink lots of water. She had zero concerns about it, so that was good.

She got the Doppler and heartbeat is still holding steady at 160. This kid loves consistency! Dr commented on my bump, and pretty much said don't listen to the comments about looking small. I've never been worried about it but it was funny and nice to hear her agree without me even bringing it up. She said everything with my 20 week ultrasound looked well and baby is measuring on track. Since I didn't have any other concerns we discussed my next appointment in 4 weeks - yay for glucose testing and a follow-up ultrasound!

20 Week Ultrasound

Sorry this took me so long to actually post. Not sure why I never did it.

Our big ultrasound was set for 8am. I did all the water prep stuff and we made it to the office about 7:45, just as my bladder was about to burst. Thankfully the tech lady was all set up and ready before 8. She brought me in and started measuring things quickly right away. The first thing she said is 'you have a wiggler!' I'm starting to think that's an Eckhoff baby must.

She didn't have my screen on while measuring because it was so quick, making small talk all the while. From the beginning she said the baby was curled way into a ball, with the feet sitting above the head. How that is comfortable I have no idea. The tech poked and prodded for a while to try and get him/her unraveled, but had no luck. Finally I got to pee and Andy came in.

Then the tech pulled up our screen so I could finally see what a weirdo position the baby was in (I've obviously passed on my flexibility and affinity for sleeping in weird positions). He/she was wiggling but not really kicking, just twisting around. It was really hard for the tech to get a good profile pic or see between the legs because of it. We got to see some thumb sucking, and even an eye rub, as if they were saying '5 more minutes, mom!' We continued to try to get him/her to change positions, but the kid is stubborn. I wonder where they get that from...

At about 8:30, we finally gave up, and I accepted that we wouldn't be able to find out the gender today. The tech had to do a cervix check so was hoping we could get some shots then. Thankfully, she got a few quick views of the parts while doing that, and told us with confidence which gender baby appeared to be! Since Andy and I had opposing guesses one of us was leaving a little stunned either way (you'll have to wait to find out who).

I got to pee again and clean up while the tech printed some pictures. She wasn't able to measure the bottom of the spine/sacrum because of baby's position, so I'll have to go back to get that done, but no concerns. She did say they are getting a brand new machine soon, so I will have some nice photos, hopefully.

I have another quick check up with Dr. Emm in 2 weeks, so we'll go over any remarkable results with her then. Take a peek at big foot, below!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Boy or Girl: Gender Myth Comparison

For several reasons, we've decided to keep the gender a secret to the public until we have a shower. Since we will be finding out if baby is a boy or girl in just a few days I wanted to write some notes before I know the gender and my writing becomes biased or gives anything away :) I have omitted a few of the wives' tales because I didn't feel I could definitely decide between the two categories (ie. no idea what my belly shape is, and I haven't particularly been craving sweet vs. salty foods, it just depends on my mood). Some of these are still subjective.

My answers are bolded and underlined, the incorrect answers are struck out. First option is for boy (in blue) and second is for girl (in pink) - if you're viewing through a reader click to my page to see colors.

Carrying:     LOW     HIGH

Weight:     BELLY     ALL OVER

Morning Sickness:     NO     YES

Acne:     NO     YES

Heart Rate:      <140     >140

Conception Age:     ODD     EVEN

Chinese Gender Chart:     BOY     GIRL

Mayan Gender Chart:     BOY     GIRL

Dream about baby means having the opposite:     BOY     GIRL

Sleep on:     LEFT     RIGHT

Balance:     CLUMSY     GRACEFUL

Total: 4 Boy vs. 7 Girl

I don't put too much stock in these, but we'll see if any of them ring true come Tuesday. I'm still pretty sure it's a girl. I will truly be shocked if they tell me we're having a boy. I don't really have a preference, because I want to have at least one of each kid eventually, but I will admit I might be leaning more toward girl preference just because I've had a name picked out since I was 14. I honestly am shocked that I've never bought any embroidered item with said name on it before, I'm just that obsessed. Thank God it is still uncommon. We do have some serious boy name contenders, but haven't nailed down an exact one just yet - hopefully we'll decide before Tuesday as I have a few embroidered items I'd like to get ordered :)

Andy is pretty much the opposite of me and I think he'll be beside himself if it's a girl. We'll both be elated either way :) Nursery items for both options have been bookmarked and will be purchased immediately after our ultrasound, I'm sure - even if they have to stay in the box for a while ;)

16-20 Weeks

Written Saturday, November 29, 2014: 20 weeks

That cat is out of the bag at this point. After our 18 week appointment we started slowly telling our other family and friends, starting with Andy's brothers. We called our grandparents, and text aunts/cousins/friends pretty much within the week. At this point we aren't really denying or hiding, but it's not widespread knowledge and we aren't bringing it up. We'll post to Facebook after our ultrasound on Tuesday, when we get the full okay that from head to toe this kid is in tip top shape.

One glorious thing that has happened is that I finally put in my notice at work. I told my boss after our 18 week appointment and she was really kind about it. Even though I won't miss working one bit, I really like my boss and felt a little guilty leaving her. My last day is December 22, so I will be able to enjoy the holidays and Disney.

I am starting to feel more like a pregnant person. None of my pants are comfortable, so pretty much at any given time you can find me without them buttoned. I stocked up on leggings and made my first trip to Motherhood Maternity to get a few maternity tops (not really into the whole doting pregnant thing, BTW) so I'm planning to live in those for the next few months.

Even though my body is definitely changing, apparently Andy and I are the only ones to really notice. My tops are typically baggy so people can't really tell. I've gotten several "Have you even gained a pound?" and "You aren't even showing!" comments but whatever. Apparently I give off the vibe that I might actually care what others have to say about how my body reacts to pregnancy. This is my life.

I did start to feel baby kicks pretty much immediately after my last appointment, before 19 weeks. They are definitely more prevalent at night when I'm on the couch or in bed, and I can usually get a steady stream of them at once. I don't ever feel them when I'm in the car or at work, or pretty much active doing anything. This kid sometime sits in a funny position, so I had a day or two where I convinced myself I had a UTI. I went to the doctor and they pretty much told me my urine couldn't be more perfect. I'm just looking for things to be wrong.

Also, pregnancy brain is a real thing. This week I went grocery shopping and didn't bring my purse. I'm out of sorts which is unlike my typical, conscientious self. Oh, and linea nigra is definitely full force at this point. My belly button is still normal, though! I have had a stuffy nose pretty much nonstop since testing positive. At first I thought it was just allergies, but since we've already changed seasons twice I don't think that's it. 

I haven't said anything about my sleep patterns. For the past few months, I've had bouts of insomnia. It started that I would wake up from about 4-6 am, but has migrated to even 1 am. I usually fall asleep eventually but I run out of things to do and thinking about things just makes it works. Thankfully, I still feel rested for the most part when I wake.

I have everything picked out for the nursery (one option set for each gender), so when we get home on Tuesday I'm sure I'll order all of that immediately. I picked out a crib like a year ago and of course when we went to order it last month they were out of stock. So we both check pretty much daily for that to come back in the finish we want.  It will work out eventually, and thankfully we really have plenty of time.

                     18 weeks                                                                                 20 weeks

We are sitting on pins and needles for Tuesday's appointment!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Appointment: 18 weeks, 3 days

Written Saturday, November 22, 2014: 19 weeks

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today was supposed to be the big 20 week ultrasound day, but the office called me to reschedule until after I hit the 20 week mark. I will admit I was pretty bummed, but I was surprised they had let me schedule the ultrasound that early anyway…It ended up just being a quick check-in with the doc.

The appointment was set for 8:55am, but Andy and I were early and arrived around 8:45. I left my sample and got called back probably around ten till 9. Per usual, I was weighed (I think I’m up 4 pounds at this point?), asked questions about symptoms, and my blood pressure was taken (still holding at the 100/60 mark).

We went to another new exam room and waited for probably 5-10 minutes. She came in and asked how things were going. I obviously explained I had been in a car accident and had a few other questions for her. The reason why I like her so much is she doesn’t belittle any concerns I have but is still really laid-back and eases my fears. I don’t think I’m a needy patient, but she is really good with bedside manner.  Even Andy mentioned that he felt better after we left.

She said I shouldn’t have any reason to be concerned about anything. She got out the Doppler and right away heard action. She said that he/she was really moving in there because she could hear it! Heartbeat seems to be holding steady at 160 BPM.  I had to pee again, and we were out of there by 9:10!

I’ve said this before, but for real, 2 weeks until the big ultrasound! I am pretty anxious to find out the gender so I can start buying all the nursery stuff!

12-16 Weeks

Written Sunday, November 2, 2014: 16 weeks, 1 day
I don’t feel pregnant at all. There is pretty much nothing going on that is different than my non-pregnant self. I’m not particularly moody. I don’t think I have any specific food cravings, although sometimes certain foods sound good (don’t people have that anyway?).  From weeks 12-14 I had a few tension-type headaches, but they were fairly mild and I’m not even sure they were pregnancy related. I’ve had sporadic round ligament pain since week 9, but it’s usually fleeting and bearable.

One thing I have noticed is that I’ve had more acne than normal. At first I thought it was just a phase, but it continued for a few months, so I definitely think it’s somehow linked to the progesterone. Things seem to be clearing up a little, though (maybe wishful thinking?). Luckily it’s not awful, but it’s definitely been more than my norm.

At 13 weeks I started to notice a more pronounced “bump.” I say the word bump lightly because it’s more that my stomach is rounded out like a normal person’s.  I still notice that it gradually increases as the day goes on and is most pronounced after dinnertime.  My boobs are perhaps a bit fuller, but barely. Still no weight gain. I’m still not sure if I’ve felt any kicks. I feel more happenings around there, but I’m pretty sure it’s all just bubbles. My doctor said I probably wouldn’t feel anything until 18-20 weeks.

Note: Above picture was actually taken at 18 weeks because I'm lazy

I mentioned in my last post that I had a car accident. Basically I was turning off a major road and the car behind me rammed into me at full speed, with no obvious regard for my turning signal. I was okay and able to call Andy right away. He met me at the scene before the ambulance even came, at about 2:30pm. I told the EMT woman right away that I was 14 weeks pregnant and asked if my baby would be okay. She immediately assured me that the baby is so cushioned that he/she was probably just fine. Thankfully Andy was there to ride with me to the hospital. Obviously they needed to check the baby and also wanted to make sure my other body parts (back/neck) were okay.

For someone who was pretty darn calm right after this happened, being put in a neck brace and on a stretcher was horrifying and embarrassing. I did start to cry because I was terrified about losing the baby and in shock that this happened to me.  Thankfully the EMT people were pretty stellar.

Upon arriving to the ER, I was put in a room and got a quick check. I remember two ladies in the room doing things and also Dr. Rust. He poked around my back (all the while I’m restrained in a neck brace and told not to move), and everything seemed to be fine. Right away a nurse checked the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler. She found it pretty quickly. When I asked what it was she said some weird statistic that was not in beats per minute so I have no idea what that meant. Shortly after, the ultrasound tech wheeled me to her room. She right away said she found a heartbeat, but I couldn’t see the screen because I was lying flat. She mentioned that he/she was really moving and commented how my bladder was really full. I couldn’t pee because I was still strapped to a bed! She pretty much gave no hints, but said things seemed okay but the doctor would give the final okay. Andy was in the room with me, so he could see the little guy/gal and said he saw a number on the screen say 163 – I assume this was a heartbeat considering at the doctor that afternoon it had been 160.

I went back to my ER room and was shortly taken for X-Rays. Because of the pregnancy, they didn’t take any of my lower back, but covered my belly and did a few of my clavicle/neck/shoulder area. They kept commenting how easy it was because I was thin.  After going back to my room, Dr. Rust came in and said the X-Rays looked good so I could ditch the neck brace. The ultrasound tech came back and said that the doctor wanted her to do an internal ultrasound to make sure that my cervix wasn’t dilating or shortening. She mentioned that things might’ve looked different because my bladder had been so full. Finally I got to pee. At this point, Andy was making phone calls and answering questions for me to the nurses, so I was in there by myself. I mentioned that I have the world’s most tilted uterus to the tech and she said if she would’ve known we probably wouldn’t have had to do the internal. Those things are so darn uncomfortable for me. At this point it was probably 4:45pm.

So far, things had been moving at a good pace and we hadn’t had to wait at all. But we waited for over an hour for the last ultrasound results. Talk about terrifying. I guess they had a busy day and were just behind reading things.  During this time, a nurse came in to confirm a few things, but was pretty quick. Dr. Rust finally came in at about 6:00 and said that the baby looked good, there was no blood around him/her, and that we could leave.

My parents picked us up since we didn’t have a vehicle there. We drove through DQ to get me some dinner and went to our house. We hadn’t spread the news about the baby, but it didn’t feel right knowing the people at the hospital knew when our families didn’t. My mom pretty much already knew. When I called my sisters both of them knew too. (I told Andy this was going to happen – ESP or something). He went over to his parents to tell them the news.

For the next few days, I was even more terrified than I had been at the hospital. Maybe this is dramatic, but I’m an expect-the-worst type of person and that was my coping mechanism. My OB office said that since I got checked at the hospital that there was no need for me to schedule an earlier appointment, so I have to wait a whole 4 weeks to get some reassurance. I don’t think I will take a normal breath and until after November 18 – heck, I will be this worried about the kid forever.

My neck was really sore for a few days, but improved pretty quickly. I’m not in any pain, but my back/neck feels like it needs a good adjusting. At my next appointment I’m hoping to get an OK to see a chiro. I hope this is my one-and-done on the car accident front…

Two more weeks until we know if the kid is on track! And we find out the gender… holy cow…

                  13 weeks                                                                    18 weeks

The Third Appointment: 14 weeks, 3 days

Written Friday, October 31, 2014: 15 weeks, 6 days
I’m writing this a week and a half after it happened so I’m sure I’m missing details. Oh well. My third appointment was scheduled on Tuesday, October 21 at 14 weeks, 3 days. It had been a busy day running around doing errands, but I made it with plenty of time to spare for my 1:10 pm appointment.

First I gave the front desk lady (Elizabeth?) my bill and told her I had gathered all of my insurance information for the billing lady.  Then I went to leave my sample and went back to the waiting room.

I was called back on time and did the usual weight/blood pressure thing and both were exactly the same as the last appointment. I was hoping I had gained at least a pound at this point but I guess not. Blood pressure was still holding at about 100/60. Nobody wears nametags or says their names so I’ve stopped even trying to document that.

I went into a new exam room (seriously they are all so different!) and waited just a few short minutes for Dr. Emm. She asked the usual questions about how I’m feeling and got the Doppler ready. She found the baby’s heartbeat pretty quickly. It was 160 – still similar to other appointments, but slowly creeping down it seems. There was a mix-up with the blood draw that I left at my previous appointment. For some reason it had not been uploaded to the computer, so she asked around for some clarification. I was just curious what my A1c turned out to be, but she was really not worried about me getting gestational diabetes. She gave me the usual spiel and I was ready to schedule my next appointment.

I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to wait till exactly 20 weeks to do the big ultrasound, because I wanted it done before Thanksgiving. My 4 week follow-up fell on Nov. 18 when I’m 18 weeks, 3 days, so they said it was no problem to do it then. She gave me the directions for ultrasound prep and I asked to see the billing lady. She was gone or busy at the time, so they told me to do it at my next appointment. Looking back, the stars were really aligning against me already…

I called Andy on my way out and gave him the update. He asked if I was doing any shopping while in Bloomington, but I was really ready to get home and get things done there. So, I started my trek home and proceeded to get rear-ended and have my car totaled. What a fun 10 days it has been!

Since I turn 16 weeks tomorrow I’ll give you that whole saga in my post then…

8-12 Weeks

Written Sunday, October 5, 2014: 12 weeks, 1 day

We’ve made it through the first trimester! Things are moving at a good pace, that I really can’t complain.

I’m feeling good. I was starting to wonder when I would start to feel like my normal self with any energy, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. This week I actually made dinner a few times and washed dishes on a daily basis. The laundry and cleaning are pretty much caught up too! Once I hit the couch, I pretty much don’t move and I’m still falling asleep well before 10, but that is a good routine to have. I feel well rested in the morning and have been waking on my own. But seriously, I don’t know how anyone makes it through that level of tiredness when they already have one or more children to care for.

My appetite has returned to normal. I’d almost venture to say my appetite is great. I’m not really having cravings currently, but my foods of choice the past few months have been of the convenient variety. I can count on my hands how many bags of “junk” or snack foods I’ve purchased since we’ve been married, and about 90% of them have been since my pregnancy. I’ve even been buying frozen Healthy Choice to take to work because I’ve been lazy about packing and nothing sounds good. Good thing that phase is ending. All I want is a cold turkey sandwich. Curse you, listeria! That will be harder for me to continue without than alcohol could ever be.

Andy and I aren’t super social people to begin with but we seem to be leaving the house minimally lately. For the most part, I was too tired to be motivated to do much. Now that I am getting that energy back, it’s still a routine we are sticking with. It seems that anytime we see people, we get asked about when we will have kids already. I will never understand why this is an okay question to ask and would like to avoid it completely, even if I have to become a hermit to do it.  The range of people asking us seems to be growing and conversations about it go more extensively than they did before. If you have family or friends that talk about your sex life in front of you (or not in front of you), I’m sorry. I feel your pain. I’m not sure what people expect us to say. 

But I’m still not budging on sharing the news. I like being the only ones to know. I’m pretty sure the people that are closest to me have an idea that’s something is going on anyway. I could talk about this for days…

As far as my physical appearance, I am noticing some changes. I wake up in the morning with essentially no bump, but by the time I go to bed it can be outrageous sometimes. I don’t wear tight clothes, so no one other than me can tell. From the front and sides I look completely normal, but when I look down at my belly I see a definite difference. We have 7.5 weeks to go till Thanksgiving, which is our goal for sharing the news (we will be a few days shy of 20 weeks), so I don’t think we will have a huge issues keeping it until then by looking at my bump progress so far. We’ll see how it goes.

Our next appointment is in just over 2 weeks. The appointment after that we will find out if this kid is a boy or girl! So crazy!! At some point I’ll get around to doing a gender myths post, probably just before that appointment.  My gut still says girl. Andy is sticking with boy.

               8 weeks                                                                          13 weeks